BVSPCA assists dogs rescued from Korean dog meat farm
Bella, one of three dogs rescued from a Korean dog meat farm, will be available for adoption this Friday.
WEST CHESTER — The Brandywine Valley SPCA (BVSPCA) announced today that it received three dogs on Saturday that had been rescued from a South Korean dog meat farm. These dogs spent their lives confined in cages, with little access to adequate food and water, and no veterinary care, and now the...
BVSPCA rescues 56 animals from Puerto Rico
Volunteers unload dogs rescued from Puerto Rican shelters where they were likely to be euthanized.
WEST CHESTER – The Brandywine Valley SPCA received 56 animals from Puerto Rico Monday as part of a national, multi-agency rescue mission. The 31 dogs and 25 cats arrived via Operation Breathing Room, a 200-animal transport to save the lives of animals at risk of euthanasia while helping the sending...