What To Do: Break up winter blahs with Valentine’s fun
By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Victorine’s Valentine Day
Celebrating Valentine’s Day is always a good way to break up the doldrums of a grey winter.
Valentine’s Day Weekend has arrived so here are a few suggestions on how to celebrate the occasion with your sweetheart. There are several special events in the area that have become cherished traditional events in this area.
Art Watch: Take a break from the heat & enjoy exhibits across Chesco
By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times
The Church Street Gallery in West Chester is exhibiting the wonderful oil paintings of local West Chester artist, Terry DeAngelo, for their July show entitled “Quiet Truths.” The central image for the show is a four foot square painting called “Shot”, with hundreds of black birds flying from the branches of a large tree against...