Some lasting gifts for Mothers Day

Flowers, breakfast in bed are nice, but fashion is forever By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, Aaaaah, Mother’s Day.  The sun is shining, the birds are chirping.  You are trying to relax. As you read this, do you smell burnt toast wafting from the kitchen?  Can you hear the clanging of 40 (or so) pots and pans being thrown into the sink (heaven forbid loaded into the dishwasher...

Not exactly the Facebook of fashion

Or, how to keep your Facebook friends, friends By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, Yes, I know that this does not really have ANYTHING to do with fashion.  BUT, you are a captive audience and this is what I’m in the mood to discuss today… Let’s do this!    Send article as PDF   

Turning up the heat: what not to wear

With summer-like heat coming, don’t lose your head or fashion sense By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The rumor is the thermometer will hit the mid-80’s today and a few days this week!  Yipppeeeee! I am more than ready to ditch my heavy jacket and leave my boots permanently in the closet! The initial tease of summer brings radiant sunshine, brilliant blue skies and glorious...

You are (wearing) what you eat

Guys, with careful planning, a food stain or six can still give you that couture look EDITORS NOTE: Our normal Sunday fashion columnist is unavailable this week. Something about a tire iron and her mechanic at the Mercedes dealership. She will return to this space next week, assuming she makes bail, with exclusive coverage of the Chester County Jail fashion show. By Mike McGann, UnfortunateGuestFashionColumnist,...

The sky is not the limit for fashion

You can still travel by air and look good doing so By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, We are rapidly approaching Spring Break week and many will be jetting off to exotic locations! (Exception = Hockenberry family, who, thanks to a $3,000 car repair bill, will be firmly planted in good ol’ Unionville) I must say that I have old fashion values when it comes to flying.  I long for...

Driving home a fashion choice

Are you really what you drive? By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, Does the car you drive reflect your sense of style? One could make an argument for it, certainly.  But, truth be told, I’m not that much of a car fanatic. You know how some people are extremely knowledgeable about what brand/make/model is the “best?”  (Exhibit A: my brother-in-law) I’m  NOT one of those people. Are...

A list to celebrate a birthday

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, This weekend marks the 1st birthday of this column! Yes, it’s true! And, I have had THE BEST TIME writing an article every week for the past twelve months. I must admit that I find it hysterical when I hear people describe my fashion opinions/musings as “controversial.”  As if telling women that they deserve to wake up in the morning and put...

The personal touch matters

A monogram can make something more than special: it can make it yours By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, I was born and raised in Delaware County. However, I firmly believe that I was a Southern belle in a past life. And, I know this because I love to use the word “y’all”. And, I will buy any item of clothing with a polka dot, bow or sparkle on it. And, most importantly, if...

Mastering your shopping technique

What’s 10,000 hours or so between friends? By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, Have you heard of Malcom Gladwell’s book, “Outliers-The Story of Success”? Well, the basic premise is that to become truly successful at any given task, one must commit to 10,000 HOURS of practice. That means, in order to “master” your goal on a world-class level, you have to practice 6 hours...

A picture is worth a thousand words

A visual guide on scarf tying options By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, One of my most frequently asked questions regarding a winter wardrobe is… “HOW DO I TIE A SCARF?” Here are three easy ways that you may have never seen (or attempted) before. I will try my best to explain the concept, but, have included pictures to help those of you who are visual learners, like myself… ...