Unionville school officials worried about $1 million loss in state funding

Lesser-known proposal to slash FICA reimbursement could cost schools more than $600,000 if passed by legislature
By Mike McGann, Editor, UnionvilleTimes.com
The fate of more than $1 million in proposed state funding cuts is in the hands of the state legislature.
EAST MARLBOROUGH — Few were shocked by Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposal to cut state aid to public education — cuts that amount to a loss...
Ross: local school fund cuts need to be put in context

State Rep. says higher ed. cuts more of concern, supports Corbett’s call for pay freeze
By Mike McGann, Editor, UnionvilleTimes.com
State Rep. Chris Ross (R-158)
As the Chinese curse suggests, “may you live in interesting times.”
And while the current fiscal environment might be a tad too interesting for some local residents and taxpayers, a local state legislator says he wasn’t terribly...
UCF board moves to keep tax hike under 1% in Chesco

Preliminary budget skips Act 1 exceptions, comes in under limits, cuts overall spending
By Mike McGann, Editor, UnionvilleTimes.com
EAST MARLBOROUGH — One might not be a singular sensation when it comes to tax hikes — but if it ends up being the final tax hike for the Unionville-Chads Ford School District’s Chester County taxpayers, it will represent the smallest tax increase by the district...
Unionville board likely to limit tax hike

Members seem ready to keep increase to Act I limits
By Mike McGann, Editor, UnionvilleTimes.com
EAST MARLBOROUGH — Barring a last-minute change of heart, the Unionville-Chadds Ford Board of Education seems prepared to limit the tax increase for the 2011-12 school year to just 1.36% in Chester County and 5.04% in Delaware County — less than half of what state limits could potentially allow for...
Chadds Ford approves zero tax hike budget

Township slashes spending by 9% to make up for lost tax revenue
By Mike McGann, Editor, UnionvilleTimes.com
Township supervisors opted to cut spending, rather than raise taxes or dip into Chadds Ford's surplus for the 2011 budget.
CHADDS FORD — As expected, the board of Supervisors voted Wednesday afternoon to approve a 2011 budget calling for no local tax increase — a feat that required a...
Chadds Ford looks for zero tax hike in 2011

Needs to find just under $24K to keep rates flat for second straight year
By Mike McGann, Editor, UnionvilleTimes.com
CHADDS FORD — Finding just under $24,000 in savings is all that township supervisors say they need to once again balance the township budget without a local tax increase — a task they expect to have completed before the 2011 budget is formally introduced next month.