To The Editor:
I am writing to support Kathy Do for school board. As well as being the kind of wonderful neighbor that you can always count on, she has been extremely supportive of the Best Buddies Club at UHS, which supports people with intellectual disabilities, such as my daughter, Marina. Kathy wrote a very informative article about Best Buddies in the local paper and she has helped Marina write and deliver speeches about the club to encourage UHS students to become active members. Kathy’s support was instrumental in helping Marina to be named a Best Buddies ambassador, which we hope will lead Marina forward to greater opportunities and independence.
Kathy has made a real and positive difference in our life and I believe her abilities and caring nature will greatly help the UCF school district. Please vote on Nov 8th, and especially encourage the young adults in your family to vote as well for Kathy! We will be lucky to have her on the board!
Leslie Wooding