Op/Ed: Lazy, or intentional?

By Michele Truitt, Special to The Times

Michele Truitt

Political mailers. Annoying, costly, often dishonest. This is the case with one mailer in particular, sent by “The Democratic Party of PA”, on behalf of Carolyn Comitta. Shame on you, for once again, allowing an organization to deceive people on your behalf. Only cowards will say “I cannot control what another organization prints on their mailers”. Nonsense. You can tell other organizations that you will not tolerate lies to be printed on your behalf. Almost always, the candidate has an opportunity to see and approve what is being sent out prior to printing.

The mailer in question references a Milne vote on SB732 on 12/13/11. SB 732 did not limit access to abortions for women, but it did put additional regulations on abortion CLINICS to make them safer from monsters like Dr. Gosnell, the serial killer who killed many babies after botched abortions, and butchered women who had abortions in his clinic. That bill passed with 151 State Representatives in favor of PROTECTING women and babies. That means a lot of democratic reps also voted for the same protections. It did not restrict abortion access to women, but did ensure only qualified doctors could perform abortions. While he will never be convicted for the countless women he injured during both wanted and unwanted abortions, Gosnell remains  incarcerated for killing the babies who were born alive after botched abortions.

Looking further at the “references” on the mailer, you will find that the “House and Senate Republicans Issue Letters Calling on Congress to Dispute PA Electors, Law Enforcement to Review 2020 Election” was dated 12/4/2020-a mere two years AFTER Duane left office!  SB 106, which was voted on 7/8/22, was FOUR YEARS AFTER Duane left office! How could Dr. Milne have signed a letter from State Reps after he left office, or voted on bills if he was not even in office when those votes took place?

The remaining “fact”, implying that Duane blocked over 300 Senate bills that were passed by the Democratic State House, preventing protections for workers and money for public schools is possibly the most ridiculous thing on the page! Dr. Milne is not your current Senator, nor did he ever serve in the State Senate! How could he have blocked 300 bills in the Senate?! This misleading “fact” has been brought to you by lazy fact checkers who were not fact checked by the candidate herself!

Ms. Comitta, how can you hide behind the Democratic Party of PA, allowing them to print deceptive statements about your opponent? Perhaps that is the only way for you to win against formidable opponents? Lie about them, tie them to the top of the ticket, and hope no one calls you out for the deception? Is the democratic party so worried about your race that they have to walk a fine line on your behalf, knowing right well Dr. Milne was not even in office for the implied acts/votes he was party to?

Was this sheer laziness directed by leadership of the Party, or the Senator-or both? Worse, was it an intentional gamble, tying Dr. Milne to leadership he had no connection to? When you can’t find anything bad about your opponent, lie. That is what the Senator has stooped to. Again. Ms. Comitta needs to own the intentional deceptions and the lie, and make a public, written apology to Dr. Milne.

Duane Milne is an adoring husband and father who has proudly served this community for decades. An honest man with integrity. A respected professor at WCU, a State Representative in the 167th District from 2006-2018, an Officer in the US Army, and now he is asking for your vote so he can become your next State Senator.  We need more honesty and integrity in Harrisburg. Join with me, vote for Duane!

Michele Truitt is a resident of East Goshen

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