County seeks volunteers to help steer Innovate Chester County

Chester County Commissioners Josh Maxwell, Marian Moskowitz and Eric Roe are calling upon the residents of Chester County to join them in exploring new ways to tackle some of the complex social challenges that face county government today.

The new initiative, Innovate Chester County, will generate ideas from the public to explore new ways to tackle challenges related to affordable housing, public transportation, children’s mental health, veteran services, and agriculture.

“We want residents in Chester County to have a voice in how to improve the place where they live, work and spend their free time,” said Chester County Commissioners’ Chair Josh Maxwell.

“Engagement with those who live here, and the ideas that will come from this collaboration will create new perspectives that can result in improved partnerships and services, and that will identify Chester County as an innovation hub.”

Innovate Chester County will be guided by a steering committee headed by Lauren Cristella, President & CEO of Committee of Seventy; Dr. Zebulun Davenport, Vice President for University Advancement and External Affairs at West Chester University; and the Honorable Lou Mincarelli, Partner at MacElree Harvey Ltd. and former Judge of the Chester County Court of Common Pleas.  This steering committee will provide advice and direction to the Commissioners, County staff and the five workgroups comprised of county residents.

“There are many services offered by Chester County government, county agencies, and industry partners that focus on keeping residents safe and healthy, and that help our businesses and communities to thrive.  But we can always do more to improve upon and advocate for improvements to these services, especially in a world that is constantly changing,” said Chester County Commissioner Marian Moskowitz.

“Bringing together the experience and guidance of Lauren Cristella, Zeb Davenport and Lou Mincarelli with the ideas and input of residents who volunteer to be part of the Innovate Chester County workgroups will create a fresh perspective on important services,” added Commissioner Moskowitz.

The Innovate Chester County workgroups will review the five identified community issues – affordable housing, public transport, children’s mental health, veteran services and agriculture – to determine how to best start addressing the need for innovation and change, whether it be through County government, private business or nonprofits, or public-private partnerships.

“The workgroups for Innovate Chester County will be the brainpower behind the entire project and will include around 20 people per group who have a vested interest in Chester County, have a diverse background and expertise, and who are willing to spend 10 to 20 hours reviewing and developing the best ideas,” noted Chester County Commissioner Eric Roe.

“We invite everyone over the age of 18 who lives here to take a look at the Innovate Chester County application, share a few ideas, and apply to be part of one of the workgroups.”

Nick Torres of Social Innovations Partners has developed the Innovate Chester County program.  He will assist in selection of workgroups, will receive direction and feedback from the Commissioners and the Steering Committee, and contribute to the final Innovate Chester County report.

For full information on Innovate Chester County, including details of the five workgroup challenges, and the workgroup application, go to The deadline to apply is October 18, 2024.

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