Bishop Shanahan High School earns national STEM Certification

From left to right, back row: Mrs. Janet Moore, Mrs. Lisa Rossana, Mrs. Beth Harper Briglia (BSHS Board Chair), Mrs. Mary Kay Hennessy ’75
Front left to right, front row: Ms. Corinne Alfano, Mrs. Michele Verratti, Sister Christina Marie Roberts, IHM, Dr. Robert Moran (BSHS Principal), Dr. Marissa Prather (NISE STEM Leadership Coach), Dr. Brooke Tesche (Archdiocese of Philadelphia Superintendent of Secondary Schools & Schools of Special Education), Mrs. Bernadette Dougherty (AOP Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Schools), and Mrs. Nancy Kurtz (AOP Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Schools)
Not pictured: Mrs. Jennifer Scullin, Mrs. Teresa Dellicompagni

Bishop Shanahan High School has earned National STEM Certification from the National Institute for STEM Education (NISE), solidifying its position as a leader in STEM education. This remarkable milestone, achieved by less than 1% of schools across the nation, makes Bishop Shanahan the only school in Pennsylvania and the first Catholic school in the country to earn this distinguished honor. The school celebrated this achievement and received its certificate at a STEM Showcase and Ceremony on Tuesday, October 17, 2023.

Evolving from STEM professional development and curriculum created at Rice University, NISE STEM certificates integrate the most recent research and best practices in STEM, 21st Century Learning and professional development.

The intensive, year-long process required the Bishop Shanahan High School STEM Leadership Team to collaborate with faculty in order to enhance the school’s STEM efforts as they relate to 27 program indicators, authentically apply processes and resources to elevate a culture of STEM teaching and learning across the curriculum, and increase STEM instructional capacity by having six teachers complete the National Certificate for STEM Teaching (NCST). These six teachers are: Ms. Corinne Alfano, Mrs. Janet Moore, Sister Christina Marie Roberts, IHM, Mrs. Lisa Rossana, Mrs. Jennifer Scullin, and Mrs. Michele Verratti.

Dr. Robert Moran, the Principal of Bishop Shanahan High School, stated “As a National Center for STEM Excellence, Bishop Shanahan High School recognizes that STEM is not just about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Rather, Shanahan’s vision for STEM education is for all students to consistently experience a collaborative learning environment that engages, equips, and empowers learners through authentic inquiry to think critically and creatively in order to solve real world problems. The earning of campus and STEM teacher certificates is part of our ongoing commitment to remaining at the forefront of innovative teaching and learning.”

Bishop Shanahan High School is now a beacon for educational institutions throughout
Pennsylvania and across the nation, demonstrating that with dedication and forward-thinking,
exceptional STEM education is within reach. This achievement is a testament to the outstanding educators, staff, and leadership at the school who have made it all possible.

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