Kennett Area Rotary Alliance Grub Grab raffle under way

The Kennett Area Rotary Alliance (KARA) is pleased to announce that its Grub Grab Great Rotary Restaurant Raffle has returned for a third year, beginning September 1.  More than 40 Kennett Squarearea restaurants will participate in this year’s fundraising event. Proceeds will benefit KARA charitable initiatives in the local community and beyond.

This year’s prizes are:

  • First Prize—Preposterous Provisions, $2500 in gift cards to 30 Kennett Square area restaurants.
  • Second Prize—Fantastic Fare, $1500 in gift cards to Kennett Square area restaurants.
  • Third Prize—Crazy Cuisine, $500 in gift cards to Kennett Square area restaurants.
  • Ten –$100 VISA® gift cards

Only 2000 raffle tickets will be available for $20 each and can be purchased with cash or check in one of the following ways:

  • Through Zelle (
  • Through Venmo (610-608-7420)
  • By check payable to Rotary Club of Longwood Foundation and mailed to PO Box 382, Kennett Square, PA 19348
  • At the Kennett Library front desk
  • At First Citizen Community Bank, 741 W Cypress St, Kennett Square, during regular business hours
  • With cash at Kennett Square area community events throughout September and October.

For a complete list of locations where tickets can be purchased, visit the 2022 Grub Grab Great Rotary Restaurant Raffle website at

Grub Grab Great Rotary Restaurant Raffle is a major fundraiser for the Kennett Area Rotary Alliance.  In 2021, the Grub Grab Great Rotary Restaurant Raffle raised over $44,000 in support of Rotary initiatives in the Kennett Square community and around the world.  The raffle drawing will be held on Thursday, November 3 at 7 p.m. at the Market at Liberty Place in Kennett Square and will be streamed live on Facebook. All winners will be notified the night of the drawing. A list of the participating restaurants can be found at

“We are thrilled to be able to hold the Grub Grab Great Rotary Restaurant Raffle again,” said Steve Maley, Longwood Rotary Foundation President “People in the community love it because there are multiple chances to win gift cards to their favorite area restaurants.  The restaurants love it because KARA purchases all of the gift cards for the Raffle and that helps their bottom line. If our businesses succeed, our raffle and other initiatives succeed. Most importantly, it helps KARA raise funds to help people in our community.”

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