Boys HS golf: Kennett beats Unionville

The Unionville boys varsity golf team played Kennett today.  The match
result was:

Unionville 206      Kennett 194

Unionville’s record for the year finishes at 8 – 2 in the CM-American league.


Win Thomas 43
Alex Moore 45

Rex Opdahl 41

Johan Tuerff 43
Grady Benfer 43
Jack Coleman 39
Stephen Starnes 42
Ryan Megill 41


Kasin Narinesingh-Smith 36
Griffin Gaughn 42
Ben Gehrt 37
Drew Zieg 37
Nick Vitale 42
Grant Urie 43

Luke Mullen 42
Chris Murphy 45

Course Played: Hartefeld

Course Par: 36

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