Letter: Roe is just wrong

To the Editor,

letters1As Election Day comes closer, it’s time for all Pennsylvanians to seriously decide who they are going to vote for. The media would have us think that there are only two people running for office, but we actually have several important down-ticket votes to cast in addition to President. One of those is our Representative for State House.

It appears, that despite his name not being on the ballot for the primary, that the Chester County GOP has finally chosen a candidate who will still be on the ballot at Election Day. Good luck trying to research him, though. Many of his position papers which were previously made public are now password protected. He does have a few thoughts on issues posted, but they are so thin and without substance, it is obvious this is not a job he wanted nor a job he intended to try to get six months ago. His anti-union and anti-woman rants have mysteriously disappeared, as has his “all taxes are bad” statements. Funny, he does propose some things to help with our opiod addiction problem, but has not presented how he will pay for it. And, like many young people, it’s ‘all about him.’ He wants to fix this problem because it has affected his friends.

What about all the issues that don’t affect him personally, where does he stand on those? Does he even know enough in his mid-20s to take a stand? His website leads me to think not.

He’s too young and inexperienced. At best, he’s a kid who decided to go for this and move back to the area on a whim. If he truly wanted this, why didn’t he run in the primary? At worst, we will be subject to yet another Chester County GOP scandal when it is determined that he’s not actually a resident of the district.

No matter where he lives, Eric Roe lacks the experience and the knowledge to have even the smallest inkling of what real families are dealing with, what our public schools are struggling to do, and what our local farmers and businesses need to succeed.

He’s just wrong for us. Vote for Susan Rzucidlo, she’s got our backs and she knows what the 158th, and all of Pennsylvania needs.

Lisa Lightner,


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