An ageless wonder of fashion

Iris Apfel continues to be a trendsetter

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times

KellyColumn415Newest815-251x300-251x300In the spirit of celebrating New York Fashion Week, I wanted to highlight an unexpected face in the world of couture. One of my all time favorite trendsetters is Iris Apfel. This 90­something year old spitfire is an expert in interior design and fashion. With a resume that includes time at Women’s Wear Daily and completing several design projects at the White House, this icon is no shrinking violet when it comes to voicing her opinions. Recently interviewed for Vogue, Iris described her feelings about personal style…

“A woman should know herself, and know what she can afford, not only financially, but if she can carry it off. She should know whether she wants to invest her time in studying herself and experimenting—it doesn’t come from out of the blue. Personal style is attitude, attitude, attitude. It has to come from within. You have to develop things yourself. It takes a long time and it isn’t easy. “

Iris ApfelShe goes on to stress that we should not compare ourselves to airbrushed teenagers on the cover of popular magazines. (Whew!) Every woman must take her own journey to find out what clothes will work for her and what will not work, no matter how “on trend” they may be. She does recommend keeping a coiffed hairdo and wearing good shoes to ensure looking put together. And, she is not too keen on dressing down while at restaurants or the opera.

I couldn’t agree more. Although, I’ve never been to the opera, I would imagine that one should dress up to attend.

Iris is still working (she just created a line for the online shopping network, HSN) and lecturing in her spare time. How has she managed to age so gracefully? She says “I don’t have any secrets. I always eat well; I never eat junk food. I don’t drink soda. I used to smoke four packs a day! But I gave it up; I just quit one day. I don’t do any exercises regularly. I don’t drink heavily, but I do have a drink now and then.”

Sounds like a lady after my own heart.

You can read the entire article here:

Happy Weekend!

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