158th District Q&A: Chris Ross

This is the second of a series of question and answer interviews focusing on candidates for State Representative. The Times did not edit, alter or in any way change the responses. We do this to give the candidates a chance for an unfiltered opportunity to make their case to our readers. As always, we welcome your input.


Chris Ross

1. Why are you running?

I am looking forward to taking care of some important unfinished business in Harrisburg, in particular resolving the unfunded pension liability with a dedicated Marcellus Shale tax and the switch to a defined contribution plan for new hires.

2.  Our community is looking to elect you as a leader; what would you want our readership and voters to know about how you demonstrate leadership?

I have a proven record of enacting major legislation with broad bipartisan support, including bills that helped create renewable energy, established recycling for computers and televisions, and authorized a drop-in respite program for fragile seniors.

3.  Please provide an example of a tough decision you’ve had to make.  Why was it tough?

I felt strongly that I had to stand up for what my constituents expected from me and do what was right when I voted “no” on the pay raise legislation. This was a difficult vote however, because I was going against the wishes of both parties’ leaders and many of my colleagues, particularly because I knew some would hold it against me.

4. What make you uniquely qualified to deal with the diverse personalities, priorities and perspectives that you will find in the PA Legislature?

I have built a good relationship with members of both parties in the Senate and House, as well as the Executive branch. Even when I have been on the opposite side of an issue with a colleague, I have never let it get personal. That is why most of my legislation has passed with overwhelming majorities.

5. Why should voters vote for you?

I am an experienced and proven leader, ready to tackle critical issues like pension reform and making the state school funding formula more fair to our growing school districts. As Chairman of the House Commerce Committee, I intend to reform and simplify the over 85 economic development programs in PA, so that we ensure they really create new jobs, not more bureaucracy and confusion.

6. Is there anything else you’d like to make sure our readership and voters know about you?

It has been a great honor to represent the 158th Legislative District and I am proud of the good work my staff and I have been able to accomplish in Harrisburg and through my District Office. The next two years will present some important challenges that I look forward to tackling and resolving. I think my best work is still yet to come.

7. How should voters and our readership reach you if they have questions, or would like to get involved?

For information relating to legislation, or other issues relating to our state government, I encourage constituents to contact me at my District Office by calling 610-925-0555 or by emailing me at cross@pahousegop.com. I still read my own emails and letters, and it helps me to do my job effectively to hear from voters about issues that matter to them.

For any campaign related questions, or to volunteer, please call me at 484-800-5246 or email VoteChrisRoss@gmail.com.


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One Comment

  1. Joe Duffy says:


    Let Chris retire like he decided to do.