EAST MARLBOROUGH — What’s the best recipe for fun after cold, frosty winter cooped up at home? A Family Night Out, of course, a frundraiser for the United Way of Southern Chester County at Unionville High School, March 15.
There’s dinner, of course — hot dogs and chili — and fun for the whole family, including games, music, a movie and a silent auction.
Family tickets for two adults and up to four kids are just $30 if purchased in advance and includes dinner, a kids’ arcade and middle school game room, live music performed by the Caroling Strings, the movie Despicable Me 2, a family Quizzo game, and more — including the silent auction.
Although filled with interesting and desirable objects, one auction item is likely to draw a great deal of interest: a private tour with your football buddies at NFL Films in Mt. Laurel, N.J. In addition to the silent auction, there will also be raffles.
Another highlight of the evening: a family version of Quizzo will be played during the event, with the Grand Prize-winning family receiving a catered chili dinner party served at their home by Unionville-Chadds Ford district administrators past and present; current Director of Curriculum John Nolen, current Superintendent of Schools John Sanville, and former Superintendent Sharon Parker will arrive at the winners’ home with buckets of chili and all the trappings for a party for eight.
Professionally shot family photos will be available for only $5.
Families throughout southern Chester County are invited and can get discounted tickets online at www.unitedwayscc.org. UCFSD residents can also purchase tickets through the schools. Tickets will be available at the door. Proceeds benefit UWSCC, which serves the residents of four school districts: Avon Grove, Kennett, Oxford, and Unionville-Chadds Ford. Over 30 different health and human service programs and 13,000 people received support from UWSCC last year. For more information about the event and United Way, visit www.unitedwayscc.org or contact Anne Coleman at anne.coleman@unitedwayscc.org or 610-444-4357.