Melting snow could pose flooding dangers

County officials urge motorists to avoid traversing standing water 

Flash FloodingThe Chester County Department of Emergency Services (DES) interrupts this cycle of melting snow to issue a reminder about another potential hazard: flash flooding.

Many causes exist for flash flooding in Chester County, which can occur fast and can wipe a car off the road in an instant. 

 Some include rain or snow melt – which causes a rapid rise in streams, creeks and rivers – a simple water main break, or a dam failure, a county news release said.


officials stress that the directive “Turn Around Don’t Drown” is important to heed, meaning that if water floods the roadway, don’t drive through it. Officials say emergency responders have had to risk their lives on numerous occasions to rescue people who ignored that advice, the release said.

If safety doesn’t motivate residents to take a few extra minutes to use a non-flooded route, perhaps the threat of financial pain will. Pennsylvania law allows citizens who ignore warning signs to be cited and incur fees for being rescued. The cost of a tow truck, the police, fire, rescue, and emergency medical services can add up to more than $1,000 quickly, the release said.

More information about flash flooding is available at 
or In addition, county residents are invited to comment about their flash-flooding experience on the DES 

 Facebook Page at


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