Unionville girls advance to tournament final

Indians knock off Frankford, 54-39, play Haverford Wednesday night Susie Pancoast, seen here in action earlier this year against Oxford, led Unionville Tuesday night. Photo courtesy, Unionville HS Girls basketball. EAST MARLBOROUGH —Unionville’s girls’ basketball team enjoyed a fairly easy win over Frankford, Tuesday — and now is poised to play for the Unionville Holiday Tournament...

Unionville girls hold off Oxford, 35-27

EAST MARLBOROUGH — The Unionville girls baskteball team defeated Oxford 37-25, Thursday night, advancing the teams record to 4-2 overall and 1-1 in Ches-Mont League American Division play. The Indians used a combination of transition basketball and inside play en route to the win. The team built a 10-point lead early and never relinquished it. Alison Lewis dropped in 12 points and Moria McEvoy 8,...

Unionville boys notch first win, stifle Shanahan, 39-27

Indians’ defense dominates as new coach DiNicola gets first win By Mike McGann, UnionvilleTimes.com Unionville's Tyler Fries goes up for a jumper. Fries led the Indians with 14 points as they knocked off Bishop Shanahan, Friday night. EAST MARLBOROUGH — The offense, though improving, continues to be a work in progress. But the defense, a stifling, aggressive game-changer looks to be what...

Unionville girls come back to stun Shanahan, 46-45

DOWNINGTOWN —In basketball, 40 seconds is a lifetime. For the Unionville girls basketball team, Friday night, it turned out to be a lifeline — despite trailing by four in the closing minute of the game, as it rallied for a thrilling win over Ches-Mont American rival Bishop Shanahan Friday night. In a game which had multiple lead changes throughout, in the end the Indians prevailed on a last second...

Season preview: Top-ranked Popham leads young Unionville wresters for 2010-11

Indians may face challenging season with five freshmen on squad By Mike McGann, Editor, UnionvilleTimes.com If you’re a Unionville wrestling fan, 2010-11 might be a bit of a rollercoaster ride. Unionville senior wrestler Mason Popham. Courtesy, Unionville Wrestling. On the one hand, you have senior Mason Popham leading the squad. Popham, a senior who has committed to attend the University of Virginia...

Unionville boys hoops drop opener to Garnet Valley, 43-41

Some positive signs in uneven first game under new head coach Anthony DiNicola By Mike McGann, Editor, UnionvilleTimes.com Unionville's Mike Sundry fights for a loose ball against Garnet Valley, Friday night. The Indians dropped a tough, 43-41 loss to the Jaguars. EAST MARLBOROUGH — It wasn’t the start — at least in terms of the final score — that head coach Anthony DiNicola hoped for...

Season Preview: UHS Boys Basketball

New coach, new system mean change is byword for program By Mike McGann, Editor, UnionvilleTimes.com EAST MARLBOROUGH — Coming off a five-win season in 2009-10, change is clearly in the air for the Unionville High School Boys basketball team. First-year coach Anthony DiNicola takes the helm after a stint at Interboro and is willing to take the early-season lumps needed to establish a new basketball...

Video: Unionville storms back to beat Kennett

Unionville's Connor Gades breaks into the open.    Send article as PDF   

Unionville needs stirring comeback to beat Kennett, 35-21

No postseason, but much for seven-win team to be proud of By Mike McGann, Editor, UnionvilleTImes.com Unionville's Mason Popham breaks up a pass while covering Kennett's Anthony Torello. KENNETT SQUARE — Going into the game, they knew this was it. The members of Unionville’s football team realized that the math was against them and win or lose against neighboring Kennett, their 2010 high...

Video: Unionville blanks Octorara

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