On Stage: Chesco’s Zell among headliners for Ladybug Festival

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Nicole Zell
It’s time once again for the Ladybug Festival (Market Street, Wilmington, Delaware, https://theladybugfestival.com) – a free festival held on Market Street in downtown Wilmington.
The popular annual event will be staged on June 2 from 5-10 p.m.
The 2023 festival will feature more than 30 different female-fronted bands, duos, and singer-songwriters...
On Stage: Eric Mintel keeping classic jazz in spotlight

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Eric Mintel
The list of talented and famous people in the arts who are Bucks County natives and/or residents is long and varied.
It includes Nobel Prize-winning author Pearl S. Buck, Pulitzer Prize-winning author James Michener, actor/director/screen writer Liev Schreiber and Oscar and Tony Award-winning writer and theatrical producer Oscar Hammerstein...
On Stage: Badfish offers ‘Sublime’ show at TLA

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Sublime may be gone but the music of the ska punk band from Southern California lives on.
When a trio loses its guitarist/vocalist/primary songwriter, it usually spells the end of the band. Such was the case with Sublime when the trio’s main man Brad Nowell died in 1996.
The music of Sublime lives on through Badfish, a Sublime tribute band...
Fa Shears to offer free kid hair cuts, Aug. 22

KENNETT SQUARE — Fa Shears By Aimee will be offering free haircuts to students aged 5 to 12 on Thursday, Aug. 22 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. to celebrate back to school.
Fa Shears is located at 619 East Cypress Street, Kennett Square.
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Local Boy Scout works to help bee colonies

Chase Yeomans (right) a Boy Scout in Troop 22 in Unionville built a Pollinator Habitat Enhancement to help support local bee populations.
Chase Yeomans, a Life Scout in Troop 22 of Unionville, has built a Pollinator Habitat Enhancement at the Laurels Preserve in Coatesville. This enhancement addresses the national concern about the tremendous decrease of pollinators in the United States. Since 2006,...
UHS book sale returns, Feb. 22

EAST MARLBOROUGH — Unionville High School is hosting the annual — the 23rd annual — Unionville High School PTO Used Book Sale, starting on Friday, Feb. 22 from 4-9pm.
The sale continues Saturday, Feb 23 from 8am-1:30pm (new hours for 2019), with a $10 bag sale from 2-4pm. Bags will be provided; please do not bring your own. Approximately 75,000+ used books for sale, across 30+ different...
Santa ready to make annual local visit, thanks to Longwood FC

Santa has scheduled his yearly arrival trips on a Longwood Fire Company truck.
“It’s that time of you year again for Longwood Fire Company to escort our buddy, Santa, to hand out candy canes to all of our residents in the area,” said Longwood Fire Chief A. J. McCarthy.
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Thank You Project mushrooms in Kennett Square

In 2017, Roberta Little and Stella Scott of the former Mala Galleria, began Thank You Project. They focused on the community of Kennett Square to encourage feeling, expressing and living in gratitude. While Thank You Project’s slogan is Gratitude Mushrooms in Kennett Square, it’s mission is to document gratitude spreading here and eventually everywhere. Since it’s conception, many local businesses,...
On Stage: Wild Rivers flows into Eagleview

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Wild Rivers
The Downingtown area has never had to experience wild rivers – maybe the Brandywine Creek overflowing its banks every once in a while — but never wild rivers.
On August 7, the area will get to experience Wild Rivers – a Canadian rock/folk/country band from Toronto, Ontario.
The Eagleview Summer Concerts on the Square at Eagleview...
On Stage: Travis thrives on ‘mistakes’

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Travis Chandler
Chandler Travis is a veteran musician who has played in many bands and has many projects of his sown such as the Chandler Travis Philharmonic and the Chandler Travis Three-o.
On April 21, Travis will visit the area for a show at Jamey’s House of Music (35 South Lansdowne Avenue, Lansdowne, http://jameyshouseofmusic.com).