Letter: Time to end taxpayer funded green job madness
The The Editor:
Just when you thought big Government over-reach in Pennsylvania would end with the Republicans at the helm in Harrisburg…think again. Special interest pay-to-play politics is alive and well and still the rule of the day.
With unproven man-made global warming opinion science as its foundation and campaign cash laden environmental lobbyists roaming the halls of our Capitol, the...
Letter: Demand Gov. Corbett keep campaign promise to disabled
To The Editor,
The political climate for people with disabilities is getting worse in Pennsylvania. This administration has stepped away from working with self advocates and family advocates. The cuts to the budget have been drastic and more are going to follow. The service definitions are moving away from being person centered. Waiver opportunities and access to wraparound services are shrinking. ...
Letter: Do says thank you
To the Editor:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the voters of the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District who came out to vote in the recent election for the School Board of Directors. As I said many times, this election has a greater impact on local families and community members than the Presidential election, and I appreciate all those who took the time to make their voices heard...
Letter: Penn State — A failure in judgment
To The Editor:
One dishonorable individual performed (allegedly) despicable and horrific acts, for which he eventually (but not soon enough) will spend the rest of his days behind bars and ultimately have to answer to a higher authority.
Six presumably and otherwise honorable and moral men failed to perform honorably and morally at a brief instance in their lives when they had a chance to stop the...
Letter: Bushelow says thank you
To The Editor:
Thank you to everyone in Region B of the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District for voting for me. I assure you that I will make good decisions for our school district.
Unfortunately, I did not get around to every polling place Tuesday afternoon, but am truly grateful to everyone for their support.
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Letters: Support for Do
To The Editor:
I am writing to support Kathy Do for school board. As well as being the kind of wonderful neighbor that you can always count on, she has been extremely supportive of the Best Buddies Club at UHS, which supports people with intellectual disabilities, such as my daughter, Marina. Kathy wrote a very informative article about Best Buddies in the local paper and she has helped Marina...
Letter: Attacks on Meehan-Do unfair
To the Editor:
In the last few weeks, I’ve started to see some attacks against School Board candidate Kathleen Meehan Do in some of the local press. Clearly the people who are leveling these attacks do not know Kathy, so I wanted to take a moment to let people know about the Kathy Do I know.
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Letter: Unionville’s own George Bailey
To the Editor:
I am a rank sentimentalist. I’m not embarrassed to admit that my all time favorite movie is It’s a Wonderful Life. I’m sure I’ve seen it over 100 times and could quote most of the dialogue in my sleep. My favorite scene is at the cemetery when George Bailey finally comes to the realization that he had made a real difference in the lives of many people. “Strange, isn’t...
Letter: Candidates manipulated K-5 discussions
To The Editor:
As an attendee at the UCFSD School Board meeting on Monday night, I was touched by Timotha Trigg’s comments at the end of the meeting. School directors work hard on behalf of the entire community. They get massive amounts of e-mails and many of those are complaints or problems that need to be resolved or solved. They deal with unfunded mandates, litigation cases involving...